Saturday, August 10, 2019

Commercial Flat Roof vs. Residential Flat Roof: What’s the Difference?

Although flat roofs may look the same, no two are alike. In fact, not only is there a difference between flat roofing systems and materials, there’s also a difference between flat roofing types. For example, a residential flat roof and a commercial flat roof are different in many ways. And while both roofs require installation from experienced professionals, they have many differences.

Commercial Flat Roof & Residential Flat Roof: Differentiating the Two

If you own property, chances are you’ll require roof repair or replacement at some point. To understand your property’s needs and roofing requirements, you’ll have to identify what sets it apart from other buildings and structures. Understanding what roof your property needs is important, otherwise you might think that whatever works for one property will also work for your property (and vice versa).

If you own commercial property in Toronto, Ontario, for example, you’ll need to know the roofing requirements for your specific property, as they will differ from that of a residential property. The first step to take is by identifying the key differences of commercial flat roofs vs. residential flat roofs.

So, what’s the difference between a resident flat roof and a commercial flat roof? We’ve listed some below:

(1) Design. Commercial flat roofs are among the most straightforward when it comes to design. Commercial roofs are either entirely flat with rainwater roll-off systems, or have slight pitches for drainage. Flat roofs are practical for commercial buildings because the flat surface allows for easy routine inspections and seasonal maintenance.

Residential flat roofing, on the other hand, can have more complex designs, while still remaining flat. When it comes to the design of a residential flat roof, there are no rules, so as long as the house can carry its structural weight.

(2) Size. Commercial roofing is known to have a wider space than most residential properties. Flat roofing for commercial or industrial use in Toronto should be highly functional given the extra surface space there is. More convertible roof space can be a huge advantage for commercial property owners. For one, there’s more room for routine inspections and maintenance. And, more surface area allows for more energy efficient equipment (i.e. solar panels) to be installed onto the roof’s surface.

With residential roofing, the size of the roof is usually decided by the owner. A residential roof doesn’t house heavy equipment or require seasonal inspections, so the size should be based on the owner's preference, and proportional to the area of the house.

(3) Material. All flat roofs vary. This includes the materials that are used to install them. Flat roofing materials will be largely based on a few factors: (1) Preference. (2) Budget requirements. (3) Structural capabilities. (4) Climate.

The differences of commercial flat roofs and residential flat roofs can be largely identified through the materials used and the purpose it will serve.

Professional Flat Roofing Installation in Toronto

Above are just a few of the many differences between commercial flat roofs and residential flat roofs. The most important factor when installing your flat roof is to ensure that you’ve installed the proper roof for your property. Installing a roofing system incorrectly will result in premature damages and a shortened lifespan altogether.

If getting a flat roof installed on your commercial or industrial property in Toronto is your next priority, don’t hesitate to call the commercial roofing experts at Crown Industrial Roofing. We have over thirty years of experience in commercial roofing in the Greater Toronto Area, which make us among the most trusted commercial roofing contractors in Toronto, Ontario.

 Call us for more information, or to receive a free roofing inspection.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Different aspects of Roofing

Hectic and busy daily schedule may not allow you to remodel or repair the roof of your commercial building. So you want a good roofing contractor who know and precisely recognize the importance of roof for you and your business. Hence, especially in the context of Toronto roofing, a name Crown Industrial Roofing prominently come ahead.
  • Professional residential roofing keep your family aloof from the freezing cold. One should know that even a minor leak in the roof can build the life hell in the house. So get it repaired by the professional and create the life better-off and at the same time healthier as well.
  • Person may seem for the special roof designing. After all it is matter of social status so again; qualified and licensed professional is required here.
  • Even, if you have place of work then good roofing will keep your employee happy and help you in managing good working environment. So, always go for a well qualified professional to make the roof arranged for all weather condition.
  • Roofing membrane is an essential roofing material. Its result comes in form of flat roofing products. However, this material is bit complex but makes the look of room simply awesome.
  • Natural slates are implicit easier to handle just because of the characteristics that it does not stains, non porous, non slip, no sealer and easier to clean as well.
  • Roofing nails are very common term in the whole roofing process. It is used to safe entire roofing material except metal and rubber.
  • There are two shape of curved roofing material; concave and convex. But people trust that it’s repainting and repairing cost is relatively low.
  • There are varieties of colors and style available in curved metal roofing.
  • Metal roofing is secured by roofing screws but rubber is secured by adhesive.
For more information click here

Monday, April 1, 2019

Environmentally-friendly Atlanta Roofing

Anyways! Here we will discuss about only roofing. There one common practice in certain parts of the city. People do use sloping residential roofs to be light-colored, cool-roof colors or white which is undoubtedly a very good step. A renowned laboratory has recently revealed that a 1,000-square-foot rooftop painted white is equivalent to cutting 10 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. So, it is easy to imagine how wisely Atlanta roofing work is being performed. Undoubtedly, people make or ruin their city themselves and people in Atlanta have proved it.

There are many environment friendly ways which can be practiced. For instance, we can use solar panel, recycled building materials or paint houses in white as well. Gutter cleaning is another crucial part of environment friendly activities.

Scientists elaborate laboratory report and speak that light pours down through the atmosphere and reflect back towards space from rooftops. So light colored or white roof top help in keeping the earth relatively the same temperature. There is the estimation that the 360,000 square miles white or lighter color covered rooftops and pavement can prevent 44 billion tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Through this way, we can delay climate change by 11 years. If it is true then we can say that Atlanta roofing architecture is futuristic and it must be applicable in the rest of the world as well.

Besides all above mentioned information, we can apt green roof insulation technique to save approximately13% on energy bills. It is very easy practice. We can use recycled denim, recycled cellulose fiber, sheep's wool or soy insulation. Denim is flame retardant in nature and can be treated with borax to repel pests. Cellulose fiber is also flame retardant. Similarly, sheep’s wool is also known for noise-deadening and flame retardant properties. At the end, experts suggest soy insulation because it lasts the life of the house. So have an intelligent Atlanta roofing work!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Roofing impact on Human life

We need roof to make certain security over our head. However, it is matter of comfort and if your financial condition is good then it enhances your reputation in the society as well. Hectic daily schedule may not allow you to change or restore the roof of your house. So you need good roofing contractors who know and precisely understand the importance of roof for you and your family.
If we could experience impressive performance by Atlanta roofing, Atlanta siding or Atlanta gutters then we must understand that all these stuffs could be possible because of expertise roofing contractors like and others who fall in same category.
Undoubtedly, curved metal roofing seems as if the finest one sample of exceptional quality, resistance, toughness and the most important aspect inducing looks. Roofing contractors do accept that curved metal roofing is in great demand especially in industrial places, warehouses and in homes as well.